Chaos & New Beginnings

Hello Be Well Austin community!
Welcome to the new school year! As they say, A new year, a new you! Yes, the beginning of the school year is a time for new beginnings and a great time to begin something new! Even if you do not have kids, as we push the collective re-set button on the school year, you may feel the surge of transition and change in the air-- and on the roadways in Austin. (Have you had a Mopac Morning yet this week?)
Change and transition itself can be stressful. The paradox of change is that it can be stressful AND very good for us. It can certainly feel like chaos and throw us out of our patterns for a bit (good!); and, we can have feelings of anxiety, groundlessness, and irritation arise (good!). Unexpected and unplanned change can definitely throw us for a loop, and can knock us out of patterns that we didn’t even know were bogging us down (good!).
Here’s the kicker, do we take advantage of these unplanned “opportunities” to recognize what’s not working for us and to potentially step into a new way of doing & being that may actually give us energy, or help us to see things in a new light? Or, do we write it off as “sh_t happens!”, or “why is this happening to me?”, or “I can’t get it right.”? Think of your morning routine, sleep habits, or ways of dealing with difficult people or situations. Are the current ways working for you? Unexpected change can help us shake up these old patterns and come out anew. I recommend using this change to your advantage. Use Awareness as your friend.

Using Awareness as Your Friend
If you have read my recent blog posts on the power of Awareness, you know how you can use Awareness to make mindful changes in your life, which can be very powerful. Here are a few examples of how I have recently practiced the Power of Awareness in my life:
Deciding to take a breath instead of saying something un-kind or reactive
Deciding to sit quietly in the morning before looking at emails or social media
Going to that class that I have been thinking about for a month
Rolling on my yellow ball when my low back feels tight
Going for a walk or hike in nature (preferably with my dog)
What is interesting about these examples, and the practice of Awareness, is that they can help us navigate the challenges of unexpected change that can activate us and otherwise leave us feeling unsettled, on edge, and anxious. It gives us the space to respond in life-giving ways, instead of knee-jerk reactions that cause further suffering for us and others.
If you are interested in any of the following:
Letting go of a part of your daily grind that does not work for you
Discovering unconscious behaviors that keep you feeling stuck, exhausted, or in a negative loop
Starting something new that refreshes and inspires you
Feeling better in your body
Trusting the flow of life more often
Go to My site offers you the ability to schedule and learn more about these areas and how Personal Development Consultations, Myofascial Release sessions, One-on-One Mindfulness and Therapeutic Yoga sessions, as well as my upcoming classes & workshops at Be Well Austin can support your process of personal growth and self care.