Integrated Life Coaching
"If you do what you've always done, you will get what you've always got."
"I hadn't realized it, but I was (living) from a place of fear."
"Kristi's Integrated Life Coaching has helped me move past and through so much more than I ever imagined was possible."
Do you feel “stuck” or frustrated with your life?
Does this keep you from moving forward?
If you had a magic wand, what would you Be, Do, or Have?
What would you Be, Do, or Have if you were free, or un-stuck?
Love & Healthy Relationships
A Vibrantly Healthy Body
A Healthy Relationship with Yourself
Your Own Business
Financial Ease
A Fulfilling Career
Satisfying and Abundant Lifestyle
Kristi's Integrated-Life Coaching offers you the tools and techniques that guide personal and professional growth, health, and well-being so that you are free to re-discover your purpose and re-connect to your most authentic self.
Through her specific Mind & Body Awareness Training, Timeline Therapy, guided self-discovery, and her Goal-Getting processes (really, it's fun!) we can loosen the grip on limiting thoughts and beliefs, allowing you to FOCUS ON WHAT YOU WANT and align with who-you-really-are with greater ease, and more often. When this happens, you will enjoy the freedom and clarity of living your purpose, on purpose.